Sports Massage

What are the benefits in having a Sports Massage?

Relief from muscle ache and pain - Sports Massage supports the body in its recovery from physical activity helping with delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) whereby the body begins to feel pain shortly after intense physical work. By freeing up adhesions and scar tissue, sports massage can release muscles and fascia from tension patterns and support the body in its recovery and restoration to optimal functioning.

Increased flexibility and range of motion - Sports Massage improves the overall flexibility of our body. During a Sports Massage, movement and stretching are incorporated into the session to improve the flexibility in our joints and relieve tension and pain in and around our joints and soft tissue. This in turn increases our range of motion by allowing our body to move more easily and comfortably.

Increased physical awareness of our body - Sports Massage helps in increasing our somatic awareness of our body. By bringing our attention to what’s happening inside, we learn how to let go of muscular tension patterns in the body and learn to listen more deeply to the wisdom of our bodies. This allows our body to learn new ways of moving and functioning in the world.

Increased blood circulation - Sports Massage improves the flow of blood throughout the body. After an intense activity, the muscles and connective tissue become tight and tender and blood circulation slows down which can cause conditions such as swelling, tightness and pain. Sports Massage supports the body in increasing its blood circulation by allowing newly oxygenated blood to enter our vascular system.

Increases flow in lymphatic system - Sports massage increases the flow and drainage of the lymphatic system. This renewed circulation, along with the improved circulation of blood, helps carry away waste products and detoxify the body. Athletes find this very helpful as muscles can build up large amounts of different types of waste material such as lactic acid, during prolonged events.

Attaining optimal performance - Sports massage helps people reach their optimal level of fitness and health by increasing muscular efficiency. The type of Sports Massage will depend on whether the person is preparing for an event or recovery post-performance. If it is pre-event the massage will involve activating the muscles and nerves and in post- match relaxation and recovery will be the intention.

Who can benefit from a Sports Massage?

Sports Massage can benefit those who have physical issues or injuries such as such as Osteoarthritic Pain, Piriformis Syndrome, Neck Pain, Repetitive Strain Injuries, Sciatica, Poor Posture, Back Pain, Neck pain, Plantar Fasciitis, Jaw Pain (TMJ), Frozen Shoulder, Rotator Cuff Injury, Headaches and Migraines, Whiplash, Pelvic Pain, Sports Injuries, Chronic Pain, Disc Problems, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Carpal Tunnel, Scoliosis. It can also support those struggling with emotional difficulty such Anxiety, Stress or Depression.

What should I expect during a Sports Massage?

We initially sit down for a consultation which allows us to get clear sense on what your needs are for the Sports Massage session. Together we locate where there is tightness or discomfort showing up in the body and track the root cause of the presenting issue through a combination of various massage and bodywork techniques. I also provide mobility and strength practices to further support the work after sessions.

Can you claim Sports Massage on your health insurance?

Clients who are insured with Irish Life Health can avail of a reduced rate for sessions.

Sports Massage focuses on the muscular and fascial (connective tissue) systems of the body by supporting in releasing physical tension and pain while also helping the body reach its optimal level of well-being.

This manual therapy is designed to both prevent and treat sport’s injuries as well as supporting the client in achieving their best performance in physical activity. Sports Massage can also be suitable for those who live an active lifestyle and desire to keep their body in good physical condition.

The techniques used in a Sports Massage are weaved together from various forms of massage therapy and other bodywork modalities such as Deep Tissue Massage, Swedish Massage, Pressure Point Therapy and Myofascial Release Techniques.


Sports Massage FAQ